Monday 9 November 2009

Preliminary task

Here is the preliminary task I was given. I was supposed to make a magazine cover and contents page for an imaginary School magazine, to get used to the process you need to go through to get to the finished product. We did the preliminary task in a very short ammount of time so the finished thing didn't come out as well as I'd planned but it still came out okay. As far as my front cover went, I thought it came out quite well because it looked like how I imagined it to look. I think the font colours however, don't stand out very well, so if I was to go back and changed it I would possibly make it a darker colour that would srand out more. The cover photo was quite good I think, but the three pictures at the side don't match with the picture. The bottom one of the three pictures does match only purely because it is musical. If I changed it I would put that one in the middle so that the other two were matched each other, but not matching the cover photo.

This contents page in my opinion let the front cover down. It doesn't have anything on it. If I had enough time I would delete it and do it all again. It just doesn't look like a real contents page. I would of done more research to see what contents pages look like then done it. This one was a bit rushed.

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