Friday 4 December 2009

Analysis of magazine covers

To start off on this cover, notice how the front cover picture is over the E on NME. This is fairly unusual, but in this case, you have to point out that NME is a quite well known magazine. So the only reason the picture would be over the letter is because people will recognise it if they saw it anyway. Also on this, all the fonts are exactly the same. They might be different colours but the fonts are still the same. I think this gives the cover quite an ordered feel too it. The title has a different font, but its been like that for years, and too change it now would be strange. The person on the background is looking at the camera, but he is not quite smiling but he still looks happy. If you research the actual person, which is Morrissey, you will find out that he is usually quite a broody man so they need to keep that essence on the page.
It says on under "Morrissey", "The Mozfather is back at his shocking best". This says to me that he is well known talented person who everyone who knows music will love. Mozfather is like the God father. In the films, the term "The Godfather" would be someone to fear but lots of people gave respect to. Thats what Morrissey is in the music industry.
The main font colour on the front is yellow. But I think thats true for most of the covers for NME. Its like the signature font colour for the NME.
Theres quite a lot of information on the front of the magazine. It looks quite busy in my opinion. On my cover I would want to have less information on it to make it more intriguing.

Again on this front cover it seems that one of the heads is over the picture instead of behind, which means, again it is a well known brand of magazine.
The theme colour on this magazine seems to be red. Apart from these little bursts of red, generally the rest of it seems to be black and white. Also the main cover photo, it goes black, white, black in terms of clothing. Also this works because if you look at their hair you will see that it goes from a gingerish type colour, brown to ginger again. Its a sort of balanced colour page. The colours on the page would appeal more to people, of the rock/indie/goth etc. persuasion.
The phrase "unfold the puzzle of life..." would be a something that would really catch your eye. The ellipsis at the end make it feel more mysterious.
The cover photo fits nicely into the "rule of thirds". Theres is a clear divide between them all. The centre person fits into the centre box

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