Friday 4 December 2009

Survey feedback I recieved

1) Would you like to see a magazine that is devoted purely to women?

Most of the people I asked about this, said that they liked they idea of magazines for men that women could read also. So I thought that maybe my original idea probably wasn't the best one.

2) If you had choices of names would rather go for ones like kerrang or normal ones like NME?

The majority of the answers came back saying, that ones like Kerrang were interesting but its nice to have a definate idea of what the magazine has in it. NME, says that its a widely spread musical genre magazine. well kerrang isn't really clear.

3) What do you want a magazine to tell you about music?

People, said that they would like to know whats new in the music industry, tours, and about the singers interests. I thought that this was a bit less than what is in actual magazines. This was quite intriguing. It seems like these days magazines put a lot more in their magazines than people actually want to know.

4) Is women and rock a good way to go in terms of buying it?

Several of the people I asked said that it was a nice idea, however they themselves wouldn't buy it.

In conclusion to this I had to completely re think my whole aspect of my magazine. My original idea wasn't the best one but I now know not what to do.

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